Chart of the Cards

Screenshot_2018-09-15-17-54-23_kindlephoto-29315936If the pic isn’t scaling well enough for you, try the PDF here. The pic is something I can screenshot and upload quickly on the fly; the PDF is a few moments more work. In the hopefully rare instance that the two differ when you check, the screenshot you see above will be the more up-to-date item.

Cards will be accepted in the order received through the submissions via the entry form. If someone has already ‘reserved’ the right to submit a given card through the entry form, participants who submit subsequent entries which include that card will be informed that the spot is provisionally taken. Reserved spots will be marked on the chart in blue as PENDING; cards that arrive in my hands as entries will be marked in green as RECEIVED. (My personal acquisitions are the black X spaces, to be clear.) Should a participant ‘default’ on sending a card they have reserved, for whatever reason, the next most recent participant to submit a reservation for that card will be informed and asked if they would still like to send that card. Reservation markings will be made on the chart in as timely a fashion as possible.